Gratitude Revealed

Gratitude Revealed

Gratitude Revealed


Louie SchwartzBerg's Life Work.


Gratitude Revealed is a film by the world renowned filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg, the producer of Fantastic Fungi. The film is presented like a stream of consciousness bringing people through the concept of gratitude as a tapestry of experiences, thoughts, and visions. In the end, gratitude is a presented as a state of mind that preserves our humanity amidst the chaos. So it is not just a movie, it is truly a movement and a revolution.

Bear Blend


Louie Schwartzberg approached us with only this concept of a poster design and a need to build a website that not only attracted moviegoers, but inspired a movement of gratitude. As we crafted the designs for the website, it was clear that there was magic and synergy emerging in the story that we were trying to share behind it. At one point, we brought forward the ideas that gratitude has often been seen as a sort of thing that you do for yourself — like a new age yoga meditation. But, in this case, Louie was transforming Gratitude into a truly revolutionary act. This conversation inspired Louie's director statement which we knew belonged on the "Why Now" page.

Today the battle ground is about consciousness and grabbing your attention. What we need to do is fight that beauty and wonder and stories that make us laugh and cry. Connecting and opening our hearts to celebrating life. We need to be resilient to make our stories heard. That is why gratitude is so important right now in this juncture of our lives.We are the changers and this movement is unstoppable.

What we did

Brand Strategy

New Logo
Tagline Copy
New Logo Design

Marketing Media

Lottie Videos
Evergreen Webinar
Content Strategy

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
International Data Privacy

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product and/or attend a webinar about the product. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site

Video Production & Animations

We created a couple of video assets to be used on the website. Also we helped to consult and conceptualize content for Louie's personal director message cut which we are also presenting here.

Copy Writing

We helped to write all of the copy on the website including the copy for each of the Ten Days of Gratitude Challenge.

DOT Music

DOT Music

Transforming the World of Music

Over the past 12 years, DOT Music's Music and Technology Insiders has unified a Coalition of 100 Trade Organizations, who have come together to build a Music-Exclusive Internet.  Their Mission is to create a VERIFIED domain extension for every Org, Company, Musician and Songwriter to:


  • Make more revenue
  • Be "Web 3.0 and Intenet of Things" Ready - to engage directly with verified fans - anywhere, at anytime, on any device
  • Have a suite of new-tech tools to deepen engagement
  • Own & analyze their fan data, engagement and trends
  • Sell downloads, tickets & merch and pay only a % to DOT Music, and NOT the other way around
  • More effectively track their royalties and IP
  • Stream live & private events and exclusive content
Bear Blend


DOT Music approached Humanity Media to create their narrative for the Investor Community, to build a Seed-Round Investment Deck to help them raise $1.5 Million in financing.  We assisted in making their ground-breaking vision easily understandable and digestible by their target  audience of early-stage hand-picked funders.  They are now shopping their inspiring story, while concurrently building out the 1st phase of their platform, to enable musicians and songwriters to more fluidly make the lion's share of revenue from their music, merch and events, vs. the other way around.

What we did

Digital Media

Research and Analysis

Design and Development of UI/UX

Creation of Investment Materials

Marketing Media

Logo and Branding

Graphics and Infographics

Print Materials

Investor Deck

View Deck