Slap Company

The Business Culture Consultant

THE consultant's consultant

Stan Slap is a New York Times bestselling author who has been working with business culture before most people even thought about it. He has developed outstanding processes and systems to help enterprises maximize the emotional commitment of the three cultures that control their business: manager, employee and customer cultures. SLAP company first hired us a technology consultant to get their website and digital platforms up to date. Since we have been working with SLAP, we have developed proprietary software to effectively digitize SLAP consulting solutions.

Bear Blend


During our tenure at SLAP, we have had the fortune of working with several large enterprises including Raytheon|Websense, IHOP, Oracle, Fannie Mae, ForgeRock and Spirit Realty. We have worked in all areas of SLAP company including:

What we did

Brand Strategy

Website Copy
Brand Elements
Market Positioning
Brand Style
Sales Page and Deck

Marketing Media

Sales Materials
Podcast Design
Sales Strategy

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
Testimonial Organization

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product and/or attend a webinar about the product. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site

Logo and Infographic Design

Incorporating the ideas of transformation, taking steps to bridge yourself to the next place, while also incorporating the concept that this is a signature 7 step process.

COPY WRITING and Sales Strategy

We worked directly with Blake to outline her complete sales process and fine tune her messaging. In the end we came up with the slide show that appears on the home page of the website outlining the possibilities that her work provides.