Robot Process automation (RPA)

Personar has developed the first of its kind automation tool that is based on adapting machine learning to teach itself new skills. In this case, skills are very specific to the enterprise. For example, most RPA based automation tools can learn how to read all kinds of documents, but Personar’s unique applications have the ability to understand what these documents mean, learn from its mistakes, and adapt to certain conditions set forth by the enterprise. We call it “Skills Based Automation”. 

Bear Blend


Personar approached us with a website that was not modern and approachable nor did it do a good job of accurately reflecting their extensive offering for enterprise. We helped them organize their offering by industry and use cases. We also helped them to double down on their “Skills Based Automation” by actually creating a video depicting exactly what their tool does. In the process of making the video, we developed the iconic “Personar” character which we hope will become synonymous with their tool. We also gave them a very solid brand graphic with the green hexagon shapes and geometric styled images.

What we did

Brand Strategy

Brand Elements
Tagline Copy
Complete Brand Style Guide

Marketing Media

Interactive Forms
Blog Articles
Content Strategy

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
International Data Privacy

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product. We maximized SEO by including a blog section with customized articles and a content development strategy. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site


We produced an interactive automation detailing the product, how it works, and how it can be applied to enterprise. The video was used both in PowerPoint format and on the website in a series of tabs.

COPY WRITING and content strategy

We consulted with the technical team of product developers and combined their thoughts with the ideas from the sales and marketing teams to generate the copy for the website. Same copy was also used in marketing, social media, and email campaigns.




Talent Retention for Enterprise Teams

CompEdge™ delivers a team approach to talent retention.

CompEdge brings together the 4 key stakeholders of retention: managers, employees, HR-People and executives into one platform. Their retention management platform is built on employee experience, compensation and team feedback and is based on years of industry research and real-time data analysis.  The company was founded by Rich Lear, the key stakeholder from Vantage Partners who has operated as a premium executive level talent scout for the last 30 years.


Apollo Factor came to us with their new software that was developed for compensation tracking and talent retention across emerging technology based companies. We helped them decide on the name and market strategy direction for their new online and mobile application. CompEdge gives enterprise customers the competitive edge they need to acquire and retain top talent and ensure continued growth in a hyper-competitive marketplace.

What sets this application apart from other HR tools is the automated retention risk monitor. This tool tracks over 30 data points in real-time to constantly asses the likelihood of any attrition. This tool is already being implemented in several enterprise applications with astounding accuracy.

What we did

Brand Strategy

New Logo
Tagline Copy
Copy strategy

Marketing Media

Lottie Videos
Explainer Videos
Content Strategy
Print Materials

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
App UI/UX Support
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
International Data Privacy

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product and/or attend a webinar about the product. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site


We produced a several infographics for visual support in website content.

Logo Design

We designed a simple and professional logo within the same style guide as the parent brand logo.  

Video Production

A couple of logo animations and an animated explainer video.


We consulted with the technical team of product developers and combined their thoughts with the ideas from the sales and marketing teams to generate the copy for the website. Same copy was also used in marketing, social media, and email campaigns.

Gratitude Revealed

Gratitude Revealed

Gratitude Revealed


Louie SchwartzBerg's Life Work.


Gratitude Revealed is a film by the world renowned filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg, the producer of Fantastic Fungi. The film is presented like a stream of consciousness bringing people through the concept of gratitude as a tapestry of experiences, thoughts, and visions. In the end, gratitude is a presented as a state of mind that preserves our humanity amidst the chaos. So it is not just a movie, it is truly a movement and a revolution.

Bear Blend


Louie Schwartzberg approached us with only this concept of a poster design and a need to build a website that not only attracted moviegoers, but inspired a movement of gratitude. As we crafted the designs for the website, it was clear that there was magic and synergy emerging in the story that we were trying to share behind it. At one point, we brought forward the ideas that gratitude has often been seen as a sort of thing that you do for yourself — like a new age yoga meditation. But, in this case, Louie was transforming Gratitude into a truly revolutionary act. This conversation inspired Louie's director statement which we knew belonged on the "Why Now" page.

Today the battle ground is about consciousness and grabbing your attention. What we need to do is fight that beauty and wonder and stories that make us laugh and cry. Connecting and opening our hearts to celebrating life. We need to be resilient to make our stories heard. That is why gratitude is so important right now in this juncture of our lives.We are the changers and this movement is unstoppable.

What we did

Brand Strategy

New Logo
Tagline Copy
New Logo Design

Marketing Media

Lottie Videos
Evergreen Webinar
Content Strategy

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
International Data Privacy

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product and/or attend a webinar about the product. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site

Video Production & Animations

We created a couple of video assets to be used on the website. Also we helped to consult and conceptualize content for Louie's personal director message cut which we are also presenting here.

Copy Writing

We helped to write all of the copy on the website including the copy for each of the Ten Days of Gratitude Challenge.

Vantage by ABBYY

Vantage by ABBYY




ABBYY is on a mission to deliver the most intelligent automation platforms to the enterprise. Since 1989, ABBYY has been an industry leader in enterprise automation applications, adapting AI to work in a variety of industries. Unlike other enterprise level automation providers, ABBYY’s technologies have all been developed in-house. 

Bear Blend
Bear Blend


ABBYY approached us with a need to build a micro-site to promote their new product Vantage by showcasing it against other leading competitors. Our design and copy was a welcome departure from their mothership site. Not only did we give Vantage a new look and feel, but we contributed animations and new "About" copy which has found its way into the broader ecosystem of ABBYY.  

Human-like Decisions with Little Human Interaction


ABBYY is on a mission to deliver the most intelligent automation platforms to the enterprise.


Since 1989, ABBYY has been an industry leader in enterprise automation applications, adapting AI to work in a variety of industries. Unlike other enterprise level automation providers, ABBYY’s technologies have all been developed in-house.


We built Vantage from the inside out and so we know every detail of it, how it works, and how to continually improve its performance. Vantage was built with the scaling enterprise in mind. As your documents, tools, needs and processes change, Vantage is pre-programed with machine learning adaptability that allows it to change along with you.

What we did

Brand Strategy

New Logo
Tagline Copy
New Logo Design

Marketing Media

Lottie Videos
Evergreen Webinar
Content Strategy

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
International Data Privacy

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product and/or attend a webinar about the product. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site


We produced a small animation to showcase their achievement with the 2022 Everest Award for Best Document Automation for Enterprise.


We consulted with the technical team of product developers and combined their thoughts with the ideas from the sales and marketing teams to generate the copy for the website. Same copy was also used in marketing, social media, and email campaigns.

Posillico Inc

Posillico Inc

Trusted Civil Engineering and Construction for over 80 years

Been Around the block they built

​For 75 years, Posillico Inc. has set the standard for excellence and innovation in the construction industry. Focusing on infrastructure, and creating ways to clean the environment with their contaminated soil facility, Posillico is providing a better quality of life for the communities they serve, as well as the employees they view as family.
Bear Blend

Posillico Inc.


Posillico is dedicated to setting the standard for excellence in the construction industry relative to: infrastructure, quality of life, and making a difference by using innovation and solid relationships at all levels. They know how to solve construction problems no matter the difficulty; completing all projects safely, on time, on target, and on budget.


What we did

Brand Strategy

Website Copy
Brand Elements
Market Positioning
Brand Style
Sales Page and Deck

Marketing Media

Sales Materials
Podcast Design
Sales Strategy

Digital Media

Website UI/UX
Design and Development
Hosting & Maintenance
Technical Support
Testimonial Organization

Website Design & Development

Fully responsive interactive website encouraging users to sign up for a free demo of the product and/or attend a webinar about the product. Site is built with a CMS allowing the client to edit and maintain content.

View Live Site

COPY WRITING and Brand Strategy

We worked directly with Posillico Inc. to outline their very deep and broad complete sales and service offerings in construction, soil cleaning, plumbing, and much more, within New York, New Jersey, Mid-Atlantic region, Texas and Florida.  We assisted in retelling their brand story so that the narrative would resonnate in a more authentic and human way.   We have now built not only, but also many of the other websites for the companies they have purchased including and