These days many small business and many of our clients are using Paypal to process all of their online payments. Indeed many of you have even paid for our services here with it. Because of Paypal Related Questions, we are beginning to compile a list of Paypal FAQs. Please feel free to add to the list by leaving a comment below.
Why Use Paypal?
- Credit card numbers are never exposed to the seller.
- 100% protection against any unauthorized payments sent from your account.
- Every purchase confirmed with an email receipt.
- Speed through checkout with one account, one password across multiple sites.
- Pay with your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Your choice.
- Accepted on Web sites around the world.
- Easy integration with wordpress based sites with many plugins, api access, and a large development community.
- Create subscriptions and access to exclusive web content fairly easily.
What are the Downsides to using Paypal?
They take too much money. If you are moving more than $1500 a month consistently, it is better to sign up with another service such as or your own bank. Development with these other payment gateways can be a bit more challenging as well so expect significantly more money to your web developers to create an integrated online payment system.
How do I create a new user on Paypal?
- Login to your account.
- Go to Profile --> My Settings
- Go to Manage Users and Click "Get Started"
- Click Add User
- Follow the instructions.
- Make sure to create a password for your new user that no one will ever guess